
“The YOLOv2 detector is evaded using a pattern trained on the COCO dataset with a carefully constructed objective,” the team explained.”
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"According to the Italian designer, people often consider things that are unfamiliar and unfamiliar to them as “eccentric”, and “bizarre”. However, “ugliness” is an important link in art, it is the first place to embrace new, crazy discoveries and upsets the order of the world, and is an infinite source of emotional dopamine."
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HyperUgly Loves Cap_able! "Italian fashion designer Cap_able is the latest to claim that its use of adversarial images renders wearers of its clothes invisible to facial recognition systems, as reported by numerous outlets."
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Ugly is in.The style of the moment combines cheesy fabrics, loathsome colors and obnoxious patterns into a selection of spring clothes that is likely to make a person queasy. The patterns are busy and distracting. The colors -- lime, orange...
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"We are in 1996 when Miuccia Prada introduces the world to Ugly Chic by declaring: "The ugly is attractive, it is exciting. Perhaps because it is more unusual". 26 years later, generation Z (generation of trendsetters) confirms this statement and appropriates the Ugly Chic trend without the slightest difficulty!"
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