
HyperUgly Loves Cap_able! "Italian fashion designer Cap_able is the latest to claim that its use of adversarial images renders wearers of its clothes invisible to facial recognition systems, as reported by numerous outlets."
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Winter's 2022-2023 Color Trends Are for Statement Dressers Let's run a quick experiment, shall we? How does electric fuchsia make you feel? What about an "ugly" chartreuse? Love them, hate them, winter 2022-2023's color trends want to make you feel something, anything—whether...
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Ugly is in.The style of the moment combines cheesy fabrics, loathsome colors and obnoxious patterns into a selection of spring clothes that is likely to make a person queasy. The patterns are busy and distracting. The colors -- lime, orange...
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From do-it-yourself hoodies to high-fashion designs, these articles of clothing will protect you from the elements – and the watchful eye of mass surveillance.
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