
Unveiled by provocative New York-based art collective MSCHF — the same group responsible for Lil Nas X's satan sneakers and these eye-wateringly expensive "Birkinstocks" — the giant rubber boots are goofy, impossibly round and suspiciously similar to those worn by Japanese manga character Astro Boy. "Cartoon boots for a Cool 3D World," read the MSCHF press release. "If you kick someone in these boots they go BOING!"
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Since the start of the pandemic, questioning the status quo has become the norm and with it, “ugly-chic” fashion has been on the rise. While younger generations were raised on Disney Channel and thus accustomed to seeing Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez wearing long neck ties with tank tops and gloves, there has been a collective shift towards abandoning what’s flattering for what’s fun.
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